The UFRRJ Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences (PPGCS) is interinstitutional, conducted in partnership between the Institutes of Human and Social Sciences – ICHS (Seropédica – campus headquarters), Multidisciplinary – IM (Nova Iguaçu) and Três Rios – ITR. The faculty comprised of the program brings together faculty members from the three Institutes.
The PPGCS-UFRRJ is built on teaching and research activities based on the theoretical-methodological references that articulate the three disciplinary fields of the Social Sciences: Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science. The research of faculty members refers to multiple themes such as: art and politics, ethnicity and cultural heritage, politics and religion, religion and territory, ecology and politics, politics and media, art and subjectivity, family and law, gender and violence, crime and public safety, political thought and social movements, society and state, social theory and political culture, among others. The diversified and excellent formation of our faculty allows the development of several research projects whose subjects address both theoretical issues of great relevance and empirical concerns that dialogue with projects of action and formation directed to Brazilian society. We obtained grade 4 in the last CAPES evaluation and from 2019 we started our doctorate.

The then Department of Languages and Social Sciences of the ICHS, which traditionally worked in the area of teaching, research and extension, offering courses to practically all undergraduate courses at UFRRJ, presented, as part of the Reuni project, the Undergraduate Course in Social Sciences.
The expansion processes of UFRRJ fomented by the Federal Government and the creation of the Institutes of Três Rios and the Multidisciplinary (located in Nova Iguaçu) brought a new reality to the area of Social Sciences of UFRRJ through the hiring of Professors to meet the demand not only of the Undergraduate Course in Social Sciences (located at the headquarters, in Seropédica), but of almost all the courses created from Reuni, in view of the requisition of several disciplines of Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology.
The Graduate Program in Social Sciences of UFRRJ began in 2012 and expresses the commitment of this University in concrete actions of expansion and democratization of a qualified training in Social Sciences in the State of Rio de Janeiro.